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So she opened the door and then passed out. However, one of the guys threatened to shoot her if she didn't come out. Her daughter sensed her surroundings had gotten out-of-control and locked herself in a bathroom. 'They drank another kind of beer and the girls got drunk really quick.' 'The guys didn't drink this drink,' said the mother. The malt-liquor based drink has about as much alcohol as four 12-ounce cans of beer. The girl's mother said the guys gave the underage girls Four Loko. All she was trying to do was protect those other girls,' said the mother. When they showed up, the girls followed them to an apartment in Holly Springs. That's when one of the girlfriends called her friends, who happened to be three guys. The mother said the trouble began last Saturday night after the teen met up with two other girlfriends at a McDonald's restaurant on New Bern Avenue in Raleigh. ABC11 is not identifying either the mother or her daughter because of the nature of the allegations.

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